Retail Employer of the Year


In 2011, Retailworld Resourcing launched the Retail Employer of the Year initiative to acknowledge and honour retail businesses that exemplify exceptional employer branding by embracing, promoting, and advocating for the countless career pathways retail an offer.

Today, candidates, employees, and customers evaluate companies more holistically than ever before. When it comes to the job market, candidates engage in robust discussions about the kind of culture and environment that align with their values. The companies that uphold themselves accountable by embodying and implementing their values are the ones that attract and retain top talent.

Retailworld Resourcing invites past and present retail staff, as well as the general public, to vote for the company they believe stands out as the best place to work. The company with the most votes cast in their category through voteretail.com will be recognized as the ‘Retail Employer of the Year’.

We understand that different individuals value different aspects of a company. As such, voting reasons can vary. However, we have included some of the key elements that the market often identifies as key contributors to an exceptional employer brand.

We know different things matter to different people, so voting reasons can vary. Below we have included some key elements that are regularly identified by the market as the key contributors to an outstanding employer brand.

  • Leave policy
  • Communication
  • Salary package
  • Business culture
  • Leadership style
  • Work/life balance
  • Career Progression
  • Employee Retention
  • Workplace environment
  • Incentives and recognition
  • Training and Development
  • Team dynamic and engagement
  • Values – social and environmental

the categories

While aiming to recognise retailers of various scales in New Zealand, Retail Employer of the Year is awarded to three categories based on Full-Time equivalents across the business including shopfront and all support office roles.

In Australia, there is an open category that invites businesses of all sizes to campaign.

New Zealand Categories:

  • Small: less than 100 employees
  • Medium: 101 – 500 employees
  • Large: over 500 employees

Australia Categories:

  • Open Category for businesses of all sizes

important dates

  • Voting Opens: 10 February 2025
  • Voting Closes: 21 March 2025
  • Winners Announced/NZ awards evening: 03 April 2025


Providing career advice and recruitment services for over 22 years, Retailworld is Australasia’s most connected recruitment provider to the retail industry. With 9 offices across Australia and New Zealand, Retailworld has been advocating and at the forefront of promoting retail as a career of choice for over 20 years.

We are well-positioned to connect retailers and talent to achieve successful recruitment outcomes for everyone we partner with.

#retailcareers #REOTY #retailemployeroftheyear #employerbranding

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